There are so many pictures to post from our time in Rome, let alone the entire trip to Italy, that it's hard to choose.
That said, ere are a couple more shots from different locales in Rome. The first is of course the Pantheon. Sadly like much of ancient Rome, it's face is marred by reconstruction but this actually did little to reduce it's fundamental awesomeness. A place of worship, for all religions for over two thousand years. This was by far my favorite building in Rome.
The next image is of Bernini's
Fountain of the Four Rivers in
Piazza Navona. Piazza Navona was a blast, full of life, art, music and perhaps most importantly cold beer. This amazing fountain is the centerpiece of the piazza.
But perhaps my favorite place/experience in all of Rome was
Largo Argentina. These ancient ruins lie in the heart of Rome and continue to be under active excavation. But what makes the place so amazing is that it is home to a
cat sanctuary! This group feeds, neuters, and cares for the cats while opening every day, here among the ruins, working to get these cats adopted into good homes.
We wandered by late at night twice and both nights this fellow had staked out his (rather large) area for a good nights sleep. Ruins
and cats? How awesome is that?